論文:Ide Risako(1998)‘Sorry for your kindness’: Japanese interactional ritual in public discourse



「あいさつ」が持つ儀礼的形式の側面を持って用いられ、日本語として表象される中に埋め込まれている規範的意識をも照射する分析となっている。 以下、Ide(1998)によるアブストラクト。

Sumimasen, the object of analysis in this study, is a conventional expression of apology in Japanese that is also used to express the feeling of thanks. While many of the previous studies on the use of sumimasen attempted to explain the dual functions of the expression from a speech act point of view, this study aims to elucidate the social and metapragmatic functions of sumimasen within the larger framework of public discourse in Japan. The paper first describes seven pragmatic functions of sumimasen distinguished through ethnographic observations of discourse in public, using Goffman’s notion of ‘remedial’ and ‘supportive’ interchanges (1971) as a conceptual framework. Then, the paper demonstrates that the exchange of sumimasen forms a metapragmatic ritual activity that is an anticipated, habitual behavior in public discourse in Japanese society. This argument is developed by reframing the multiple functions of sumimasen in accordance with the folk notion of aisatsu, which constitutes the ground rules of appropriate Japanese public interaction. The paper ultimately discusses how sumimasen functions not only as the expression of gratitude and apology, but also as one of the ritualized formulae used in Japanese society to facilitate public face-to-face interaction.


  1. Introduction: Why be sorry when you are grateful?
  2. Overview of study
  3. Setting the context of analysis
  4. The multiple functions of sumimasen
    1. Sumimasen as sincere apology
    2. Sumimasen as quasi-thanks and apology
    3. Sumimasen as request marker
    4. Sumimasen as attention-getting device
    5. Sumimasen as leave-taking device
    6. Sumimasen as affirmative and confirmational response
  5. Sumimasen and its functions in public discourse
    1. Sumimasen as remedial and supportive interchanges
    2. ‘Alter-oriented’ and ‘role-bound’ discourse
    3. Sumimasen in light of proper public interaction in Japan
  6. Concluding remarks



  1. to examine the functional and contextual meanings of sumimasen extracted from recordings of actual discourse(実際の談話として収集した「すみません」の機能的で文脈上の意味を調べること)
  2. to discuss the social meaning of sumimasen, emerging through its everyday pragmatic usage and refrecting the lager framework of interaction behavior in Japanese society(日法の言語使用の中で表象され、日本社会で行われる相互的な振る舞いというより大きなフレームワークを反映する「すみません」の社会的意味の側面を議論すること)




By focusing the frame of study on public interaction, the paper has elucidated the metapragmatic rule that governs these seemingly different speech behaviors in Japanese social interactions.(公的な相互行為上におけるフレームワークの研究として焦点を当てることで、一見異なる日本社会の相互的な振る舞いに影響を与えるメタ語用的な規則をこの論文では説明してきた。)

